Global meat market continues to grow,
be our trusted partner

Rapid demand growth for animal proteins, continued growth expected to 2050
GLOBAL MEAT CONSUMPTION Million metric tonnes​
Million metric tonnes​
+70% growth to 2050
That’s $1.7 trillion today and $2.7 trillion in 2050 at current prices


Total global meat market is $1.7 trillion. Even Meatable’s most conservative penetration rate (1%) drives a $4.1 billion market.

Are you with us?


Meatable technology will be licensed to meat industry partners, who can acquire specific territory rights, with royalties reinvested into rapidly optimizing and diversifying our technology, not assets

Asset-light, pure-licensing model

Funds only invested in tech optimization:

  • Highly scalable, no plant capex
  • No stranded / outdated assets
  • Near-term and ongoing revenues through licensing
  • High margin

Partner to the meat industry

Friend, not competitor to the meat industry:

  • Solves industry challenges
  • Fills a product gap in claims-based products
  • Fits with existing meat value chain

Turnkey solution

Full partner package:

  • Full process design
  • Approved list of sourcing partners
  • Help with product formulation consumer studies
  • Tech transfer support to develop plant sites

IP-protected tech that works

Unique, patented technology that delivers quality product at cost

  • Patented and scalable
  • Traceable and protectable IP
  • Translatable to multiple products (e.g. beef, leather)


Demand growth for meat of +70% to 2050; current livestock production already has a devastating impact on the planet and society​

Continuation of current livestock-based production to the protein gap will make the situation worse – we can help solve society’s challenges by providing a better alternative

Meatable’s cutting edge proprietary science and technology produces meat faster and more efficiently than the livestock-based meat industry, without harming people, animals, or the planet​

Meatable owns the field’s leading technology, opti-ox™: the only method to differentiate pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to muscle and fat cells at speed, and 100% efficiency​

We have achieved 90% flavour similarity to livestock-based pork fat; consumers and chefs buy into the product​

Meatable technology will be licensed to industry partners. Royalties are reinvested into rapidly optimizing and diversifying our technology, not assets.​

Clearly defined commercialization plan to address the  $4.1B market  activates  7 commercialization hubs  across the globe.

Led by a  world-leading team, funds will be used to reach  price parity, derisk  industry-scale production and obtain  regulatory approvals to drive commercial rollout 


Contact us now to learn more
about the opportunities.

BE PART OF THE SOLUTION: Contact us now to learn more about the opportunities.